Tag: review

Total 131 Posts

Six Shows to Get Girls Excited About STEM

These great kids shows promote positive role models for women in science. "Mom, are black holes real?
Author image Linda Naughton

Magnificent Seven Review

The remake is nothing to write home about, but you can't go too wrong with Denzel
Author image Linda Naughton

Throwback Review - Favorite Novels

Someone recently asked me what my favorite books were. So here they are: Del (and Tiger), Tarnekep Portree,
Author image Linda Naughton

Rogue One Review

The Star Wars universe takes a darker turn with a gritty war movie. The original Star Wars movies
Author image Linda Naughton

Pitch Review

Pitch delivers a solid rookie season. SPOILER ALERT! This review contains minor spoilers for Season 1 of Pitch.
Author image Linda Naughton

Timeless Review

Timeless entertains as a campy adventure with occasionally-serious undertones. Timeless was the show I was most looking forward
Author image Linda Naughton

Star Trek: Beyond Review

Impressive visuals and new faces buoy latest Trek film. Star Trek has always been a bit of a
Author image Linda Naughton

Allegiant Review

The third Divergent movie moves beyond the walls of Chicago, but ultimately goes nowhere. Allegiant is a snoozefest.
Author image Linda Naughton

Zootopia Review

Disney's Zootopia is no utopia, but it has some good messages. SPOILER ALERT! This review contains
Author image Linda Naughton

Women in War Movies

Our women heroes deserve better than this sub-par Hollywood fare. As an Army brat, I've always
Author image Linda Naughton

Huntsman: Winter's War Review

Elsa's revenge makes for a visually impressive but muddled fantasy yarn. SPOILER ALERT! This review contains
Author image Linda Naughton

Jessica Jones Review - AKA The Rest

Marvel promised a dark series, but there may be such a thing as too dark. SPOILER ALERT! This
Author image Linda Naughton
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