Falling Skies - Respite Review

With only four episodes to go, the show continues its ambling stroll towards the finish line. SPOILER ALERT!
Author image Linda Naughton

Breaking the Age Barrier

A visit from Miles' grandma highlights opportunities for older women in sci-fi. Image by Miles from Tomorrowland
Author image Linda Naughton

Falling Skies - Non-Essential Personnel Review

Tense human drama provides for an engaging detour. SPOILER ALERT! This review contains spoilers for episode 5x05 Non-Essential
Author image Linda Naughton

Agent Carter Shines at Comic-Con

Marvel's Spinoff Generates Buzz at SDCC. Forget the Oscars and Emmys. For geek culture, San Diego
Author image Linda Naughton

Let's Rocket

Good Role Models Abound in Miles from Tomorrowland. As a mother of two, I'm always sensitive
Author image Linda Naughton

Falling Skies - Pope Breaks Bad Review

An uneven episode sets up the final Pope/Tom showdown. SPOILER ALERT! This review contains spoilers for episode
Author image Linda Naughton

The Leia Conundrum

Is Princess Leia the original self-rescuing princess or a sexist trope? Or both? Like many girls of my
Author image Linda Naughton

Falling Skies - Ladies of the Apocalypse

Spielberg's post-apocalyptic sci-fi series features a pair of compelling women warriors. Falling Skies, the post-apocalyptic drama
Author image Linda Naughton

Falling Skies - Hatchlings Review

Falling Skies returns to form with another character-driven episode. SPOILER ALERT! This recap contains spoilers for Episode 5x03:
Author image Linda Naughton

The Dinosaur Whisperer and the Ice Queen

Jurassic World is a Fun But Flawed Thrill Ride. There's a priceless exchange in Jurassic Park
Author image Linda Naughton

More than Damsels in Distress

This blog will examine the portrayal of women in media, specifically in the action/sci-fi/fantasy genres, through
Author image Linda Naughton

Outlander - Sing Me a Song

Music was a highlight of Outlander's first mini-season. Outlander has finished its initial run, going on
Author image Linda Naughton
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