February 17, 2016 Agent Carter Review - Better Angels / Smoke and Mirrors Backstories and exposition with a side of hijinks. I fell a little behind in my Agent Carter reviews,
February 05, 2016 Agent Carter - Season 2 Premiere Review Peggy goes west, and adventure follows. SPOILER ALERT! This review contains spoilers for Agent Carter season 2 episodes
January 30, 2016 Gender Lines Just how big is the gender gap in Hollywood? The Hunger Games trilogy, which has grossed over $1.
January 30, 2016 Jessica Jones Review - It's Called Whiskey Jessica's hunt for a weapon against Kilgrave requires some hard decisions. SPOILER ALERT! This review contains
January 25, 2016 Over the Moon About Miles and Loretta Miles from Tomorrowland continues to please with family fun and positive values. The thing I love best about
December 30, 2015 Star Wars - The Force Awakens Review SPOILER ALERT! This review contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Big spoilers. I mean it. You
December 28, 2015 Jessica Jones - Crush Syndrome Review The second episode of Marvel's intelligent drama answers some questions and raises others. SPOILER ALERT! This
November 29, 2015 Jessica Jones - Ladies Night Review Marvel's latest entry explores what happens when a superhero hits rock bottom. Marvel's TV
October 24, 2015 Sicario: The War on Drugs Gets Ugly Compelling drama can't quite make up for the boy's club effect. Sicario was hard
October 11, 2015 The Martian Breaks Orbit Saving Matt Damon is Apollo 13 for a new generation. One of my all-time favorite movie scenes is
September 30, 2015 Opportunities Last week, Viola Davis, star of 2013's Ender's Game, became the first African-American woman
September 19, 2015 Fall Preview - Quantico ABC's political thriller puts its agents in the line of fire. With the fall season almost