D.C. Fall - Book Review

Engaging characters ground this post-apocalyptic drama.

D.C. Fall by K.K. Johns(*) was my first exposure to the In the October Fall World extended universe, the MCU of EMP disaster fiction. Spinoffs from the original October Fall series by Mark Loren and Boyd Craven Jr., each book (or set of books) is written by a different author and features a different region. There's Black Hills Fall, Indiana Fall, California Fall, etc. Each location stands alone, so the books can be read in any order. I jumped in with D.C. Fall. Set in the nation's capital and surrounding area, it was an entertaining story on its own merits, and a solid introduction to the world of the October Fall.

(*) Boyd Craven Jr. and LA Bayles have writing credits on Amazon, but it seems that may stem from the shared elements of the October World series. Only Johns' name is on the cover.

When the world comes to a screeching halt, what would you do to survive?

After a rogue nation detonates a devastating EMP over the East Coast, Washington, D.C. is thrown into chaos…

Vivienne Harmon is supposed to be celebrating her ‘launch day’—the day she leaves her controlling, narcissistic husband, Cosmo, who, unbeknownst to Viv, runs a lucrative fencing operation with ties to the Russian mob. But when the power grid fails in one catastrophic moment, her escape plans change. In a city quickly devolving into dangerous civil unrest, she must make life concessions for her friends, trapping her in the city.

On his friend Vale’s farm outside of D.C. Hotshot firefighter Tobin Grant struggles to patch himself back together, both physically and mentally. Suddenly, he’s wholly responsible for protecting Vale’s children and property from desperate raiders. Banding together with neighbors is their only hope for survival.

Meanwhile, Cosmo is hot on Viv’s trail, desperate to recover the priceless artifact she took when she left. To find her, he’ll be as ruthless as he needs to be. Before the Russian mob finds him. Before it’s too late.

Another great addition to The October Fall World!

One of the things that sets D.C. Fall apart from many other EMP stories is the unique setting. Like the scene in Independence Day where the aliens blow up the White House, there's something inherently impactful about seeing the capital thrown into chaos. A key storyline involves some officials trying to pick up the tattered threads of the government, a far cry from the typical "tough-guy loner" mentality that often pervades these kinds of stories. Even the storyline of a family farm off-the-grid shows a pervasive spirit of community and cooperation, banding together with neighbors to protect and support each other.

The characters also make the story stand out. Vivienne and her friend MacKenzie are both congressional aides, and it's interesting to see how they react when they get an early inkling that something big is about to go down. Viv's brother Vale is a pilot instructor caught in the air when the EMP happens, which is one of the more adrenaline-pumping sections of the story. Vale's best friend Tobin, an ex-military ex-firefighter tough-guy is easily the most interesting character, out of his element as he tries to look after Vale's kids and farm until his return. MacKenzie's boss, Congresswoman Madeline, tries to make contact with other remnants of the government.

If that sounds like a lot of characters, it is, and I didn't even get through all of them. It's a lot of threads to keep track of, and some of the characters don't get as fleshed out as they could have with a narrower focus. Vale, for instance, spends a lot of time trying to organize things at the airport rather than rushing back to his kids, a decision that might have seemed less puzzling if we knew more about his personality and motivations.

Overall, though, it was an engaging story with good pacing and interesting characters. I've already started on book 2, and look forward to seeing where the series goes from here.

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Mom. Writer. Gamer. Geek.
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